

  • Patient & Document Management: Secure, efficient management systems for improved healthcare operations.

  • Medical Imaging & Virtualization: High-quality imaging solutions for accurate diagnostics and remote care.

  • Healthcare Operations Software: Simplified processes for billing, CDSS, and pharmacy management.

Tell us what you need

Business challenges we solve for our clients

Patient Information Management (PIM) Systems

Managing patient information efficiently while ensuring data privacy and accessibility is a critical challenge for healthcare providers. NetRom develops PIM systems that streamline the storage, retrieval, and management of patient data, enhancing both operational efficiency and patient care by providing healthcare professionals with easy access to comprehensive patient histories.

Document Management Solutions (DMS)

Healthcare facilities often struggle with the sheer volume of documents they need to process and store securely. NetRom offers DMS that digitize and organize healthcare documents, enabling secure, efficient access and sharing across departments, reducing paperwork, and improving overall healthcare service delivery.

Medical Imaging and Virtualization

The need for high-quality medical imaging and the ability to share these images securely for diagnosis and treatment planning pose significant challenges. NetRom creates solutions in medical imaging and virtualization that enhance the clarity, accessibility, and security of medical images, facilitating better clinical decisions and expanding the possibilities for remote consultations.

Medical Billing (Clearing)

Navigating the complexities of medical billing and ensuring timely, accurate claims processing can significantly impact healthcare providers’ operational efficiency. NetRom develops medical billing solutions that automate and simplify the billing process, reduce errors, and expedite reimbursements, ensuring financial stability for healthcare providers.

Radiology Information Systems (RIS) & Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS)

Integrating radiological imaging with patient records and ensuring seamless access across medical facilities remains a challenge. NetRom builds integrated RIS and PACS that streamline the management and sharing of radiological images and data, improving diagnostic accuracy and treatment timelines.

Clinical Decision Support Software (CDDS)

Healthcare providers face the challenge of making informed clinical decisions quickly and accurately. NetRom creates CDSS that provide real-time, evidence-based recommendations to clinicians, enhancing patient outcomes by supporting more accurate diagnoses and optimized treatment plans.

Pharmacy Management

Gathering actionable customer feedback is crucial for business improvement but requires intuitive and comprehensive survey tools. NetRom develops customized customer satisfaction survey software, helping ISVs and SaaS companies provide their clients with insightful analytics and feedback mechanisms to drive business growth. 

  • Case study

    Strong cultural fit accelerates the development of IFS Ultimo 

    IFS Ultimo is a global player in offering Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). NetRom Software helped them with a cloud migration, allowing them to offer a fully cloud-based SaaS product with Ultimo. We further develop the software together. The good cultural fit between both parties helps enormously.

Custom software development for healthcare


Enhanced Patient Information and Document Management

NetRom excels in developing Patient Information Management (PIM) and Document Management Solutions (DMS), offering healthcare providers a robust platform for managing patient records and healthcare documentation efficiently. Our systems are designed to ensure the highest levels of data security and accessibility, facilitating a smoother healthcare operation and significantly improving patient care quality.


State-of-the-Art Medical Imaging and Virtualization Technologies

Our expertise extends to providing cutting-edge solutions in medical imaging, including Radiology Information Systems (RIS) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), as well as virtualization technologies that support remote patient consultations. These solutions offer clinicians detailed and accurate visual aids for better diagnosis and treatment planning, while also expanding patient access to specialist evaluations and follow-ups.


Comprehensive Software Solutions for Healthcare Management

NetRom develops integrated software solutions that streamline a wide range of healthcare operations, including medical billing (clearing), clinical decision support software (CDSS), and pharmacy management. Our custom-built software automates complex administrative tasks, ensures regulatory compliance, and supports healthcare providers in delivering optimal patient care and achieving better clinical outcomes.

Frequently asked questions

How can NetRom help improve our Patient Information Management (PIM) system?

We develop bespoke Patient Information Management systems that streamline the storage, retrieval, and management of patient data, offering healthcare providers secure and efficient access to comprehensive patient histories, thereby improving patient care and operational efficiency.

How can your services help healthcare providers with Document Management Solutions (DMS)?

NetRom crafts custom Document Management Solutions that digitize and organize healthcare documents, enabling secure, efficient access and sharing. This reduces paperwork and enhances service delivery by ensuring that vital documents are easily retrievable.

What advantages do your medical imaging and virtualization solutions provide?

NetRom creates tailored medical imaging and virtualization solutions that enhance the clarity, accessibility, and security of medical images, supporting better clinical decisions and facilitating remote consultations. This leads to improved diagnostic accuracy and patient care.

Can your software streamline our medical billing process?

Yes, NetRom develops bespoke medical billing solutions that automate the billing process, reduce errors, and expedite reimbursements. This ensures financial stability for healthcare providers by streamlining claims processing and improving accuracy.

How do your RIS and PACS solutions improve radiology services?

NetRom builds integrated Radiology Information Systems and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems from scratch that streamline the management and sharing of radiological images and data, improving diagnostic accuracy and speeding up treatment processes.

What features does your Clinical Decision Support Software (CDSS) offer to clinicians?

NetRom designs Clinical Decision Support Software that provides real-time, evidence-based recommendations to clinicians, enhancing patient outcomes by supporting accurate diagnoses and optimizing treatment plans.

How can your pharmacy management software benefit our pharmacy operations?

NetRom develops comprehensive pharmacy management software that automates inventory management, medication dispensing, and compliance reporting, ensuring accuracy, enhancing patient safety, and improving operational efficiency.

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