
ISV's and SaaS companies

  • Digital Product Engineering: Specializing in digital product engineering for ISVs and SaaS in areas like EAM, ERP, and CRM

  • Cloud Migration and Management: Expert cloud solutions for seamless migration and predictive server management.

  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: Implementing robust security and compliance protocols in software products.

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Business challenges we solve for our clients

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Software

EAM software is crucial for maximizing asset performance and longevity but requires deep customization to meet specific industry needs. NetRom develops tailored EAM solutions that empower ISVs and SaaS companies to offer robust asset tracking, maintenance scheduling, and performance analytics, enhancing asset lifecycle management for their clients.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software

Integrating diverse business processes into a unified ERP system challenges many organizations seeking streamlined operations and real-time data insights. NetRom crafts bespoke ERP software solutions, enabling seamless integration of finance, HR, sales, and supply chain functions, providing ISVs and SaaS companies with the tools to offer enhanced operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities to their clients.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

Creating CRM software that truly understands and enhances customer interactions across multiple channels can be complex. NetRom designs custom CRM solutions that help ISVs and SaaS companies deliver software capable of transforming their clients’ customer engagement strategies, sales optimizations, and marketing efforts with personalized, data-driven insights.

Patient Information Management (PIM) Systems

Managing sensitive patient data while ensuring compliance and accessibility poses significant challenges in healthcare. NetRom develops PIM systems for ISVs and SaaS providers, offering secure, efficient management and retrieval of patient records, enhancing healthcare delivery with streamlined data access and patient care coordination.

Document Management Systems (DMS)

Organizations struggle with the efficient storage, retrieval, and management of documents. NetRom provides bespoke DMS development services, enabling ISVs and SaaS companies to offer solutions that streamline document workflows, improve compliance, and enhance collaboration for their clients.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Software

Implementing RPA to automate routine tasks and improve operational efficiency requires sophisticated software that can adapt to various workflows. NetRom builds custom RPA software that enables ISVs and SaaS firms to equip their clients with the tools to automate processes, reduce errors, and free up human resources for higher-value work.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Software

Gathering actionable customer feedback is crucial for business improvement but requires intuitive and comprehensive survey tools. NetRom develops customized customer satisfaction survey software, helping ISVs and SaaS companies provide their clients with insightful analytics and feedback mechanisms to drive business growth.

Maritime Fleet Management Software

Efficiently managing maritime operations, including fleet tracking and compliance, presents unique challenges. NetRom creates specialized maritime fleet management software for ISVs and SaaS providers, offering real-time tracking, operational efficiency, and compliance management to their clients in the maritime industry.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Software

Securing and managing digital identities across systems and applications is critical for protecting sensitive information. NetRom develops bespoke IAM software solutions, enabling ISVs and SaaS companies to offer advanced security, seamless access control, and compliance capabilities to their clients.

Cloud Migration

Cloud migration is pivotal for ISVs and SaaS companies looking to capitalize on the scalability, flexibility, and efficiency of cloud computing. However, navigating the complexities of migrating existing systems and data to the cloud can be daunting. NetRom specializes in developing bespoke solutions that facilitate smooth cloud migration, ensuring minimal disruption to operations. Our approach includes detailed planning, data security measures, and optimization of cloud resources, enabling ISVs and SaaS providers to seamlessly transition to the cloud while maximizing their infrastructure’s cost-effectiveness and performance.

Predictive Server Management

In the dynamic environment of digital services, ensuring server reliability and optimal performance requires forward-thinking strategies like predictive server management. This involves analyzing server and network data to anticipate potential issues before they impact service delivery. NetRom crafts customized solutions that incorporate advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, enabling ISVs and SaaS companies to proactively manage their server resources. Our predictive server management tools help prevent downtime, optimize resource allocation, and maintain a consistently high level of service performance, ensuring customer satisfaction and trust.

  • Case study

    Frontliners’ logistics jigsaw puzzle requires advanced software

    The international transport of goods via multiple modalities and to various continents requires scalable, stable and cloud-based software. With a scope of three to four years, new development technologies and thirty NetRom developers, Frontliners’ planning software had to be modernized. The result is a long-term partnership with NetRom Software based on stability and quality.

  • Case study

    Strong cultural fit accelerates the development of IFS Ultimo 

    IFS Ultimo is a global player in offering Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). NetRom Software helped them with a cloud migration, allowing them to offer a fully cloud-based SaaS product with Ultimo. We further develop the software together. The good cultural fit between both parties helps enormously.

  • Case study

    Alpina’s journey to consolidate applications

    Insurers and its intermediaries need to deal with complex IT and outdated processes and products. Operating lean and mean to ensure an exceptional client experience and to stay ahead of competition is essential to this. Together with NetRom Software, Alpina Group aims to integrate and consolidate applications, as well as a gradual migration to Azure. Scaling up flexibly with specific knowledge and skills offered by NetRom helps Alpina establish the economies of scale and speed of innovation it’s after.

  • Case study

    With hybrid development teams, DDi was able to quickly implement AI technology

    DDi, a software company active in the non-life insurance market, sought reinforcement from NetRom to accelerate the modernization of its own platform. Blended development teams were set up in the Netherlands and Romania that are jointly responsible for the end result. This resulted in an AI-powered classification platform for data extraction.

  • Case study

    With the help of DevOps teams, Onguard migrated its platform to the cloud 

    Onguard, part of Visma | Onguard, develops order-to-cash solutions and focuses on larger companies. With the migration of its solutions to the cloud, Visma | Onguard was able to make their software more scalable. Assisted by the DevOps-teams from NetRom Software, the company was able to complete the migration and to develop new financial applications.

Custom software development for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)


Customized Software Development for ISVs and SaaS Companies

At NetRom, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver bespoke software solutions specifically designed for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and SaaS companies. Our expertise spans a broad range of essential software domains, including Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and more. By collaborating closely with our clients, we ensure that each software product we develop is not only innovative and fully aligned with their business objectives but also scalable and ready to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving market. This focused approach enables us to create software that truly stands out, offering our clients a competitive edge in the software industry.


Expert Cloud Solutions and Predictive Server Management for ISVs and SaaS

Understanding the unique operational challenges faced by ISVs and SaaS companies, such as the need for efficient cloud migration and predictive server management, NetRom offers cutting-edge cloud computing solutions tailored to these needs. Our team of experts specializes in facilitating smooth cloud transitions, ensuring that your cloud infrastructure is optimally configured for both performance and cost-efficiency. Furthermore, our predictive server management capabilities leverage advanced analytics to preemptively identify and resolve potential issues, maintaining impeccable service uptime and reliability for your users.


Robust Security and Compliance for Software Products

Security and regulatory compliance are paramount for software products, especially those handling sensitive data, such as Identity and Access Management (IAM), Patient Information Management (PIM) systems, and Document Management Systems (DMS). NetRom is committed to embedding comprehensive security frameworks and compliance protocols into every solution we develop. This meticulous approach not only protects your data and your customers’ privacy but also ensures that your product adheres to the highest standards set by industry regulations, building trust and credibility in your software offerings.

Frequently asked questions

Can NetRom help ISVs and SaaS companies with custom software development?

Absolutely. NetRom specializes in developing custom software solutions tailored to the unique needs of ISVs and SaaS companies, from initial concept to final deployment, including Enterprise Asset Management, CRM software, and more.

How does NetRom support cloud migration for ISVs and SaaS providers?

NetRom offers comprehensive cloud migration services, assisting ISVs and SaaS companies in planning, executing, and optimizing their transition to cloud infrastructure, ensuring minimal disruption and enhanced performance.

What solutions does NetRom provide for predictive server management?

We develop predictive server management solutions utilizing advanced analytics and AI to help ISVs and SaaS providers proactively monitor and manage their server resources, preventing downtime and optimizing performance.

Can NetRom create specialized software for healthcare and education sectors?

Yes, we design and develop specialized software solutions for the healthcare and education sectors, including Patient Information Management Systems and Learning Management Systems, tailored to the specific requirements of these industries.

How does NetRom ensure the security and compliance of its software products?

NetRom incorporates robust security frameworks and compliance protocols into every software product, ensuring that data is protected and that our solutions meet industry-specific regulations and standards.

Can NetRom assist with developing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software?

Definitely. We create custom RPA software that automates repetitive tasks, enhances operational efficiency, and frees up valuable resources for strategic work, tailored specifically to the workflows of ISVs and SaaS companies.

Does NetRom offer solutions for maritime fleet management and identity access management?

Yes, we provide bespoke software development services for maritime fleet management and identity access management (IAM), offering advanced features for real-time tracking, operational efficiency, and secure access control.

How can NetRom help with customer satisfaction survey software development?

NetRom develops customized customer satisfaction survey software that enables ISVs and SaaS companies to gather valuable customer feedback, providing insights into product performance and areas for improvement.

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