
Software testing and QA services

  • Comprehensive Quality Assurance approach, covering all elements of testing for maximum reliability with NetRom's software testing services.

  • Skilled QA & software testing team with 100+ top-tier ISTQB-certified QA engineers.

  • Utilizing cutting-edge test automation tools to streamline testing processes and accelerate time to market.

Tell us what you need

Our software testing and QA services:

Unit testing

As part of our software testing and QA services, unit testing involves testing individual components or units of code in isolation. Developers write test cases to ensure that each unit of code behaves as expected.

Integration testing

This focuses on testing interactions between different units or components to ensure they work together correctly. It helps identify issues that might arise when different parts of the software are integrated.

Functional testing

This type of testing involves verifying that the software’s functionality meets the specified requirements. Test cases are designed to cover various use cases and scenarios.

Regression testing

After making changes to the software, regression testing ensures that new code changes don’t negatively impact existing functionalities. It involves re-running previously executed tests.

Performance testing

This is used to assess the system’s performance, scalability, and responsiveness under different conditions, such as high user loads or data volumes.

Security testing

This involves identifying vulnerabilities and potential security risks in the software to ensure that sensitive data is protected.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

End users validate the software to ensure it meets their needs and is ready for deployment.

Test automation

Automation tools and scripts are used to execute tests, allowing for faster and more efficient testing processes, especially for repetitive tasks.

Agile testing

In Agile methodologies, testing is integrated into the development process, with frequent iterations and continuous feedback to ensure that the software meets evolving requirements.

Exploratory testing

Testers actively explore the software to discover defects and issues that might not be covered by pre-defined test cases.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Testing

Testing is integrated into the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that code changes are automatically tested and deployed to production as they are made.

Black box and white box testing

Black box testing focuses on testing the software without knowledge of its internal structure, while white box testing involves examining the internal logic and code structure.

Load testing

The software is subjected to a high load to evaluate its performance and stability under heavy user traffic.

Usability testing

This ensures that the software is user-friendly and intuitive, focusing on user experience and interface design.

Benefits of software testing and QA services

Improved software quality and user satisfaction

This is arguably the most critical benefit as it directly impacts user satisfaction and the overall success of the software product. High-quality software reduces risks, leading to fewer defects and support requests, resulting in happier users.

Reduced costs by detecting issues in an early stage

Cost reduction is a key driver for many organizations. A mature software testing and QA process helps identify and address issues early in the development lifecycle, minimizing the need for expensive rework and maintenance later on.

Faster time to market with a streamlined development cycle

In today’s fast-paced business environment, speed to market is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. A mature software testing and QA process, particularly when combined with automation, streamlines the development lifecycle, allowing organizations to release software products more quickly while still ensuring high quality and reliability.


IT professionals


Years of experience


Client fan score


Year employee tenure

ISO 9001 & 27001

Certified quality management & securitysystem

HQ in NL

Delivery centers in Romania

Why NetRom Software?

Advanced QA and software testing services at the heart of your development process


Experienced QA engineers – ISTQB certified

Benefit from a dedicated team of 100+ ISTQB-certified QA engineers ensuring deep expertise in software testing methodologies and best practices.


Comprehensive testing approach

Ensure the highest level of quality and reliability for your software applications with NetRom’s comprehensive testing approach covering all critical aspects from functional to security testing.


Tools and technologies for streamlined processes

Leverage the latest test automation tools and technologies to streamline testing processes, improve efficiency, and accelerate time to market for your products.


Deep vertical-specific domain expertise and functional know-how

Receive tailored testing solutions designed to meet your specific requirements and goals, with QA engineers contributing through deep vertical-specific domain expertise and functional know-how.


Transparent communication and reduced costs

Benefit from transparent communication and reporting throughout the testing process, saving time and resources by identifying and addressing issues early, ultimately reducing overall project costs and improving ROI.

  • Case study

    NetRom helps P1 with domain specific development capacity 

    P1 develops and provides services for municipalities and parking garage operators, among others. The company turned to NetRom Software’s nearshoring capabilities to develop a very specific product. Several NetRom developers are now working on new solutions within the P1 development teams. This hybrid approach has created a partnership.

  • Case study

    Frontliners’ logistics jigsaw puzzle requires advanced software

    The international transport of goods via multiple modalities and to various continents requires scalable, stable and cloud-based software. With a scope of three to four years, new development technologies and thirty NetRom developers, Frontliners’ planning software had to be modernized. The result is a long-term partnership with NetRom Software based on stability and quality.

  • Case study

    Strong cultural fit accelerates the development of IFS Ultimo 

    IFS Ultimo is a global player in offering Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). NetRom Software helped them with a cloud migration, allowing them to offer a fully cloud-based SaaS product with Ultimo. We further develop the software together. The good cultural fit between both parties helps enormously.

  • Case study

    New orchestration layer makes fiber optic connections from Eurofiber easier to manage

    Eurofiber is internationally active in offering fiber optic connections. Eurofiber developed an orchestration layer in collaboration with NetRom to manage the infrastructure. This software layer bridges Eurofiber’s commercial and technical systems and makes the provider more resilient in offering this vital infrastructure.

  • Case study

    SAi and NetRom build precision software for large format printing 

    SA International supplies numerous software tools for the sign industry, digital printers and CNC specialists. NetRom Software developed multiple software solutions for SAi, including a cloud-based solution from scratch. In addition to support, NetRom now also offers management and support of parts of SAi’s cloud platforms.

  • Case study

    With hybrid development teams, DDi was able to quickly implement AI technology

    DDi, a software company active in the non-life insurance market, sought reinforcement from NetRom to accelerate the modernization of its own platform. Blended development teams were set up in the Netherlands and Romania that are jointly responsible for the end result. This resulted in an AI-powered classification platform for data extraction.

  • Case study

    With the help of DevOps teams, Onguard migrated its platform to the cloud 

    Onguard, part of Visma | Onguard, develops order-to-cash solutions and focuses on larger companies. With the migration of its solutions to the cloud, Visma | Onguard was able to make their software more scalable. Assisted by the DevOps-teams from NetRom Software, the company was able to complete the migration and to develop new financial applications.

Our approach to software testing and QA

Quality assurance is one of the most important parts of the software development lifecycle. Software testing and QA management represents the process of taking your project’s requirements, building a test plan, writing the tests, planning the test activities and capturing the results. Our approach includes 5 levels of QA and software testing management.


Level 1

This QA and software test management level assumes there is no tester/QA specialist in the project team and the testing effort is entirely done by developers through cross functional and unit tests.

Since there will be no system testing, in order to minimize the risks and to ensure that particular units of code work as expected, the development team should invest time in unit tests. In this level there is no dedicated QA engineer in the team.


Level 2

In order to react quickly to changes and adapt accordingly the test approach, the focus is on exploratory testing. This is a process that allows the tester to respond to each test in a way that should maximize focus on the most relevant risks.

All items from the current iteration are tested based on the exploratory method and only smoke tests are run for the already existing features. In this level there is 1 QA engineer for every 4 developers in a team.


Level 3

For this level, the QA specialists in the project team are focused on both exploratory testing for the new features, as well as systematic regression testing for the entire application. Prior to any new release, both functional and non-functional regression tests will be manually executed in order to verify that a code change in the software does not impact the existing functionality of the product.

To create the regression suite, test cases should be created for the most critical important functionalities of the software. In this level there is 1 QA engineer for every 3 developers in a team.


Level 4

At the beginning of each iteration, elaborated test cases are created for each new feature which will be developed. Furthermore, the most vital test cases will be included in the regression suite.

The goal at this level is to evaluate whether the system has complied with all of the outlined requirements and to see that it meets the quality standards. This applies not only for regression but also to the functionalities developed in the current iteration. This test management level assumes 1 QA engineer for every 2 developers in a team.


Level 5

This level is an addition to either level 2 or 3, and it is implemented by automating the regression suite and maintaining it each iteration. This will enhance the testing process by reducing the manual testing hours.

This level is focused on functional and regression testing based on elaborated test cases, executed in planned test sessions during the iteration. This test management level assumes 2 QA engineer for every 2-3 developers in a team.

What clients think about us

  • “The high employee retention is impressive. That’s why the type and level of knowledge are secured. ”

    Ernst-Jan Bakker
    Commercial Manager DataVinacles
  • “The variation of the seniority level in teams is ideal, making the collaboration and the quality very good. ”

    Bjorn Lukkien
    OwnerPLT Products
  • “Also very valuable is the fact that NetRom has a whole network of IT people. Internally we work with a small group, but you can go to NetRom with all kinds of questions such as which technology is best for which application. This has already led to choices that would have turned out differently if we had not consulted with them. Furthermore, in NetRom we have found a partner who unburdens us. All team members work well together. It’s not a separated team working at a distance. ”

    Willem-Sander Markerink
    Program ManagerQ-Park P1

Frequently asked questions

How do you ensure the quality of the developed software? 

NetRom follows a carefully refined QA workflow to ensure the quality of the developed software. The QA workflow is based on a few main principles identified below. This will help to better understand the reasoning behind, and the practical approach described through the workflow, step by step. 

1. The QA members must be up to date regarding the project status (client requirements, development phase, project priorities, releases, task planning, QA task planning etc.). This is done for a better understanding and focalization in their work. 

2. All QA members must work based on a plan. The QA members must actively participate to QA task planning, to be ready/prepared for the next test sessions. This will lead to a better efficiency in their activity.   

3. The QA members should maintain a written overview (e.g., “QA Project Monitor”) in order to know at every moment the actual QA status of the project. This will be helpful for their activity as well as for the PM and other management layers. 

4. It is useful to have a complete inventory of the project’s QA history for an easy identification of eventual problems issued after a client release or any other quality problems (Test Request Form, any test report or QA monitor, QA tasks). 

5. It is necessary to have a formal workflow for all the tasks currently performed by the QA Members, applicable for any project. This will lead to a better communication into the project team and will increase the work efficiency. 

6. The project QA process is managed by PM consulting the QA members. The project QA specific tasks are performed by QA members. 

7. The NetRom QA process and QA procedures are decided having as objective to: 
– unify the general QA approach within the project teams. 
– assure the visibility of the QA process for all projects, in order to facilitate the knowledge sharing between project teams and inside the QA department. 
– achieve a higher project quality by continuous improvement of the Quality Assurance Process 

Is quality assurance  the same as software testing?

No. While both share the goal of delivering high-quality software, they differ in scope. Software testing focuses solely on identifying bugs and defects through various testing methods. On the other hand, quality assurance services encompass a broader spectrum of activities. These include:

– Software testing: As mentioned above, this remains a crucial component. 

– Process improvement: Identifying and optimizing the entire development process to minimize future issues. 

– Risk management: Proactively identifying and mitigating potential problems before they become costly bugs. 

– Standards and best practices: Ensuring the development team adheres to industry standards and best practices, leading to higher quality software. 

Think of software testing and quality assurance services as an umbrella encompassing software testing and other activities that prevent issues and improve the overall software development process. 

What tools and frameworks do NetRom Software engineers use to ensure software quality? 

There are many types of tools and frameworks for Software testing and QA services. Some of the more common ones that we use are:

– Selenium: a framework for automating web browser interactions and creating automated tests for web applications
– JUnit: a testing framework for Java applications that provides annotations and assertion methods for writing and executing unit tests
– Cucumber: a behavior-driven development (BDD) tool that allows you to create tests that are readable by humans
– LoadRunner: a performance testing tool that simulates different user loads to evaluate performance and scalability

See our technology overview for a complete overview of the tools and frameworks we use for QA and software testing.